
An international community for creators/performers inspired by Japanese idol culture.Please join our discord server to learn more!


IIN's Quarterly Zine

IDOLIZINE is a zine covering happenings in the idol community all over the world! You can find our newest issue in the side bar (if you're on desktop) or read our back issues below.

About International Idol Network

Our Mission

We are a community for creators, performers, singers, and dancers inspired by Japanese-style idol culture. In our discord, you will find members from all around the world who are passionate about odorite, utaite, net-idols, and more.Our goal is to bring people together who have a passion for performing/singing/dancing/content creation and connect them with the appropriate resources they need to help reach the next stage. We are all united by our passions, so we’re here to help foster a better resource and better connections with one another, so that we may all improve in both skill and character.Currently, our discord server stands at over 1000 (and still growing!) members strong.